Thursday, November 28, 2019
1A3X1 - Airborne Mission Systems
1A3X1 - Airborne Mission Systems1A3X1 - Airborne Mission SystemsPerforms aircrew duties on numerous airborne platforms. Operates, maintains, repairs, and tests airborne communications, sensor, computer, and electronic systems. Performs preflight, in-flight, and postflight duties. Supervises and instructs personnel in operation, maintenance, repair, and test procedures. Establishes, supervises, and directs aircrew training. Duties and Responsibilities Inspects and Operates airborne communications, sensors, computers, and electronic systems. Plans,organizes and coordinates mission activities and materials. Determine aircraft status and coordinates link establishment information. Performs preflight, in-flight, and postflight inspections. Performs initial power-on and testing of airborne communications, sensors, computers, and electronic systems. Establishes and maintains voice and data communications circuits/links. Repairs and maintains airborne communications, sensors, computers, and electronic systems. Operates aircraft emergency systems and equipment. Performs and supervises airborne equipment operations and maintenance. Initializes, operates, monitors, tests, troubleshoots, isolates malfunctions, and repairs radio, audio distribution, switching, data, cryptologic, anti-jam, satellite communications, radar, identification friend or foe, recording and playback, multiplex, electronic warfare (EW), intercept, analysis, recording, broadcasting, imaging, computer, and network equipment (including ancillary equipment). Monitors displays and indicators for equipment status using technical orders and manuals, test equipment, software diagnostics, voltage checks, resistance measurements, waveform observations, or other tests. Installs, operates and monitors special support systems. Performs aircraft exterior scanner duties. Monitors aircraft engine, propeller, hydraulic, pneumatic and flight controls systems during engine start. Adheres to communication security (COMSEC) procedures. Establishes, supervises, and directs aircrew training. Develops and directs instruction in equipment operation and troubleshooting. Ensures standardized procedures are used to teach inflight equipment operation, maintenance, and repair. Determines need for specific instruction, and establishes training programs on airborne systems. Evaluates airborne systems operation and maintenance activities. Evaluates befolgung with technical manuals, regulations, and work standards. Serves on or directs airborne systems inspection teams to evaluate in-flight maintenance and operational programs. Interprets inspection reports and prescribes corrective actions. Manages operation and maintenance functions. Maintains operational inspection and maintenance records and documents. Reviews unusual and difficult problems in operation and in-flight maintenance of equipment. Recommends methods, techniques, and procedures to enhance maintenance and operational capabilities, and improve mission system options. Advises on mission systems operation and maintenance, and coordinates on research and development projects. Specialty Qualifications Knowledge Knowledge in the following areas is mandatory worldwide communications, electronics and radio theory, EW theory and techniques, optical and video cameras, radar, radio frequency, dual mode transmitting systems, and principles of logic and digital techniques, computers, intercept, and analysis equipment, concepts of maintenance directives, interpreting technical orders, computer programming media or instructions, schematics, wiring, and logic diagrams, direction finding, multiplex, data and voice procedures. Education For entry into this specialty, completion of high school with courses in physics, mathematics, and computers is desirable. Training For award of AFSC 1A331, completion of the airborne communications systems operator course is mandatory. Experience The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated (Note See Explanation of Air Force Specialty Codes ). 1A351. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1A331. Also, experience in operating and maintaining aircraft communications test and computer systems. 1A371. in and possession of AFSC 1A351. Also, experience and qualification in advance operations and maintenance of aircraft communications, test, and computer systems. 1A391. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 1A371. Also, experience managing advanced operations and maintenance of aircraft communications, test, and computer systems. Other The following are mandatory as indicated For entry into this specialty For entry, award, and zurckhalten of these AFSCs Qualification for aviation service according toAFI 11-402,Aviation, AndParachutist Service, Aeronautical Ratings and Badges. Physical qualification for aircrew duty according toAFI 48-123,Medical ExaminationandStandards, Class III Medical Standards. For award and retention of AFSCs 1A331/51/71/91/00, eligib ility for a TopSecretsecurityclearance, according toAFI 31-501,Personnel Security Program Management. (Note ActualSecurity Clearancedepends on what type of aircraft assigned to). NOTE Award of the 3-skill level without a final Top Secret (TS) clearance is authorized provided an interim TS has been granted according to AFI 31-501. Note This job requires aSensitive Job Code(SJC) of F. Deployment Rate for this AFSC Strength Req G Physical Profile111121 (Vision uncorrected 20/400-20/400 correctable to 20/20-20/20) Citizenship Yes Required Appitude Score E-67 Technical Training Enlisted Aircrew Undergraduate Course, Lackland AFB, TX, 14 class-days (includes altitude chamber training) Combat Survival Training Course, Fairchild AFB, WA, 14 class-days Water Survival-Parachuting Course (if assigned to C-130 aircraft),Pensacola NAS, FL, 5 class-days WaterSurvival-Non-Parachuting (if assigned to any otheraircraftother than C-130), Fairchild AFB, WA, 3 class-days Airborne Mission Systems Sp ecialty Course, Keesler AFB, MS, 56 class-days Weapon Systems Qualification Training (various locations and lengths, depending on aircraft-type assigned to) First Duty Station Assignment Bases Davis-Monthan AFB AZEglin AFB FLElmendorf AFB AKKadena AB JapanOffutt AFB NERAF Mildenhall United KingdomRobins AFB GATinker AFB OK Possible Assignment Locations(after first duty station) Information derived from CFETP 1A3XX
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Qualifications for Veteran Status
Qualifications for Veteran StatusQualifications for Veteran StatusHonorable service in the military typically makes you a veteran for life. To be eligible for the variety of veteran benefits depends upon many elements from time in service, permanent injury. What is a veteran? Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a veteran as a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions otherbei than dishonorable.This definition explains that any individual that completed a service for any branch of armed forces classifies as a veteran as long as they were elend dishonorably discharged. Types of Veterans There are different types of veterans, but regardless of the type, they are all veterans. The types of veterans below offer different awards and benefits from home loans,retirement and medical/dental. Other offered benefits allow for retired veterans to have base access and store privilegesand all veterans are offered the GI Bill if they opted in at some point in their career. War Veteran - Any active duty or reserve military member who has been in the area of conflict in another country or surrounding waters in support ofactivity against a national enemy. Combat Veteran - Active duty or reserve military members who experience any level of combat for any duration resulting from offensive, defensive or friendly fire military action involving an enemy in any foreign theater. Retired Veteran Retired veterans serve a minimum of twenty years of active duty or reserve duty. Medically retired veterans receive injuries that prevent them from remaining active duty and are thereby retired regardless of years of service. Retirees are eligible for supplementary federal benefits, privileges, and access to military installations, and some VA services. Disabled Veteran Any former active duty or reserve military member who was injured through combat action or peacetime accident while serving on duty and is permanently injured. The National Importance of Veterans In 1954, President Eisenhower officially changed the name of the holiday from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. Every President has honored ur military members in some fashion since George Washington who wisely stated The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation. George Washington Honor to the soldier and sailor everywhere, who bravely bears his countrys cause. Honor, also, to the citizen who cares for his brother in the field and serves, as he best can, the same cause. Abraham Lincoln I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction I served in the United States Navy. John F. Kennedy Some people liv e an entire lifetime and wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world, but the Marines dont have that problem. Ronald Reagan Why We Recognize the Veteran A popular veteran phrase often seen on Veterans DayA veteran whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve is someone who, at one point in his or her life wrote a blank check to their government for an amount of up to and including his or her life. Another classic veteran quote that demonstrates the many freedoms that we have the veteran is responsible for defending - even with his/her life if necessary. It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech. It is the soldier, not the organizer, who gave us the freedom to demonstrate. It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag. Father Dennis Edward OBrien, USMC W e Sleep Peacefully At Night - Thanks to the Veteran We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. George Orwell
Thursday, November 21, 2019
5 Quick Tips for a 5-page SES CDP Resume
5 Quick Tips for a 5-page SES CDP Resume5 Quick Tips for a 5-page SES CDP Resume5 Quick Tips for a 5-page SES CDP Resume 5 Quick Tips for a 5-page SES CDP ResumeBy Nicole Schultheis, JD, Senior SES Writer / ConsultantThe Resume Place, Inc., andTen Steps to a Federal Job Certification ProgramJune 14, 2017Are you struggling with resume revisions while preparing to apply for a 5-page, resume-only, Senior Executive ServiceCandidate Development Program announcement?See a sample announcementThe US Secret Service is posting their SES CDP announcement now, open until 6/23/2017https// instructionsThe application process used to recruit for this program is the RESUME-ONLY method. Although you should not address the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs) or Technical Qualifications (TQs) separately, evidence of each must be clearly reflected in your resume.Your resume must not exceed five pages. Any information in excess of 5 pages WILL NOT b e considered. Please note that if a titelseite letter is submitted, it will count towards the 5 page limit.Do not submit separate statements addressing the ECQs and/or the TQs.Nicole Schulthies Top Five Tips for your5 page SES CDP Federal ResumeONE. Use clear, simple, and direct language. Use first person implied, steer clear of jargon, and replace buzz words with real words. Get rid of useless adjectives and adverbs and use strong, interesting nouns and verbs instead. Use active (Led $4M program) not passive voice (Was responsible for).TWO. Display real leadership accomplishments especially those at the program or enterprise level and describe them in leadership terms. In other words, no helped, supported, was tasked to etc. Synopsize them in CCAR (Challenge-Context-Actions-Results) summaries that reveal your actual leadership challenges and your actual leadership actions that delivered mission-focused, organizational outcomes, with at least 1 key example (but preferably 2) alig ned to each of the 5 ECQs subjects.THREE. Use metrics to describe duties and responsibilities as well as organizational outcomes. Size of budget managed? Number of employees supervised? Percentage change achieved through your efforts or what period of time?FOUR. Focus on recent and relevant jobs and accomplishments, devoting most of the job block space to GS-14/15 jobs and accomplishments within the past 10 years, less to jobs/accomplishments at the GS-13 level, and very little to jobs and activities that took place more than 10 years ago or were at even lower levels.FIVE. Respect the eyes and sensibilities of your readers. Which means pay attention to aesthetics, proofread your work, respect white space on the page, and use the right words (for example, its tenets not tenants). Achieve consistent formatting. Use Words tools as well as your own common sense to help you achieve and maintain a consistent style (for example, if it says U.S. in one place it should not say US elsewhere i f it says long-term goals in one place it should not say long term goals somewhere else).*Nicole Schultheis has helped dozens of U.S. Secret Service candidates as well as many other investigatory, legal, and law enforcement candidates across government attain SES certification. Her full bio may be found AND RESOURCES FOR WRITING THE 5 PAGE SES CDP FEDERAL RESUMEWriting the New SES Application, 2nd from the bookGREAT TIPS FOR GETTING STARTED WITH YOUR SES ECQSChapter two of the book Write Your Top Ten List of AccomplishmentsMap your Top Ten into the ECQs Leadership CompetenciesExpand your ECQs into the required Context-Challenge-Action-Results format.Edit them into your 5 page SES resumeALSO, TWO EXCELLENT SAMPLES OF THE 5 PAGE SES RESUME IN THE BOOKUtilize the RP CCAR Builder to write your CCAR stories free and fast.Keeps you focused on the CCAR esources/ccar-builder/Requests for Quotes for SES ECQs and the 5 page SES CDP Writing / Developmental Editing / Consulting Services$190 per hourAverage time required for the 5 page SES resume 10 to 12 hoursWe need your Top Ten List of Accomplishments to begin the writingWe need a minimum of 7 days to write any SES ECQ project.Average time required for 10-page Traditional ECQs15 to 17 hours.DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING OF YOUR DRAFTWe can provide developmental editing after YOU write a draft.Quotes for developmental editing costs one hour $190RESUME PLACE PRESIDENT Kathryn Troutmankathrynresume-place.comGet your copy ofThe New SES Application,2nd Edition
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